Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Mayor McDowntown (Nancy McFarlane) and the Wake County Democratic Party have predicted the North Carolina apocalypse since last week when the North Carolina General Assembly passed and Governor McCrory signed HB2. No doubt former Downtown Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker would echo these sentiments. 

We've got to dutifully acknowledge their greater environmental stewardship than Republicans - particularly on the recycling front. 

In recent years they've perfected the art of recycling. 

"national embarrassment," "bigot," "George Wallace," "destroy jobs," "wreck the economy," "racist," "Old South," "discriminatory," etc. The list could could cover countless pages. 

First it was 2009 and 2010, when Wake County voters made clear their desire to end the failed socio-economic diversity experiment known as forced busing. 

Then they dusted off the thesaurus for the 2012 Marriage Amendment vote. 

And of course we now have HB2. They didn't even box up the thesaurus from 2012.

"pioneer in bigotry"

"back to 1885"

"risks inciting violence"

They've also suddenly become feverish supporters of local control. They're outraged that the NC General Assembly and Governor McCrory would dare interfere in the affairs of Charlotte and their efforts catering to the transgender lobby. 

"aggression against local governments"
"about power" 


They've also implored us to buckle under to public relations pressure from national and international corporations that have buckled to national pressure from transgender organizations. 

Of course, WakeUp Wake County Commissioner Matt Calabria has a long history of catering to the LGBTQ community for political gain - going back to his campaign for Student Body President at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2004:

This did, however, send us at Wake Watch back down memory lane a few years. 

"Raleigh Mayor Nancy McFarlane caused a stir Wednesday after saying that uncertainty about the new Wake County student assignment plan is beginning to hurt efforts to recruit businesses and families to the area."

"Harvey Schmitt, president of the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and a backer of the new choice plan, said he was not aware of any company that has chosen not to relocate to Raleigh because of the school system."

Even Harvey Schmitt, an ardent diversity proponent, rebuked Mayor McFarlane's false hysteria she was peddling. 

And catering to national and international voices on issues affecting our local community? In the same article, Mayor Charles Meeker had this to say about local elected officials who moved to Wake County from the Northeastern United States - as many Wake citizens have recently done: 

"Meeker said the board's Republican members "are not from the area" and "don't share our values." 

So Meeker's "values" are forced busing over the objections of local families and presumably catering to the transgender lobby? Yes, we should listen to large national and international corporations when it comes to issues affecting our local communities on transgender bathrooms but disregard the views of duly-elected Wake County Board of Education members when it comes to neighborhood schools. 

And meddling in local affairs? They were full aboard when it came to legislatively mandating forced busing and interfering in the daily lives of Wake County families and their children. 

Yes, they wanted to use the power of the law to forcibly remove school board members who supported neighborhood schools. They also wanted the NC General Assembly to usurp the power from local school boards to make decisions they felt best on student assignment. So much for that local control fetish. Hands off transgender bathrooms. Hands on local families. It's becoming clear now. 

HB2 - just more political election-year regurgitated hysteria from the left.