Saturday, November 7, 2015


In October 2010, when it was politically chic to criticize the Wake Board of Education for moving towards a resegregation of the WCPSS, Tama Bouncer had this to report:

About 47 percent of teachers surveyed felt the biggest problem facing Wake County public schools was the new policy on assigning students. Eighty-one percent also disagreed or strongly disagreed with the board's decision to end the socio-economic diversity policy.

- October 14, 2010, ABC-11

Now the Wake County Public School System has experienced even greater resegregation in their schools. 

The only difference? 

The Wake County Board of Education is dominated by their chaos creation crew coalition members. It's just not as politically chic to go after your left wing progressive allies. 

Tama Bouncer and the Wake NCAE. Today's Great Hypocrites in Wake standout member.