Tuesday, October 13, 2020


One would think that the Raleigh Chamber would represent and serve the interests of Raleigh and greater Wake County businesses. Indeed they note on their website:

Build a thriving regional economy. The Chamber is an active partner in driving the region’s economic growth and global competitiveness by:

  • Serving as the catalyst and convener for regional economic development and collaboration.
  • Attracting businesses to the area that contribute to our economy’s innovation, vibrancy, and prosperity, and supporting business retention and expansion throughout the Greater Raleigh area.
  • Actively marketing Wake County to targeted industries as the best place for business, and supporting regional marketing initiatives.
  • Building a strong, diverse pipeline of talent through recruitment, development, and retention programs and services.

But recent actions this year suggest a different path:

 — The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce invited Ben & Jerry's CEO Matthew McCarthy to speak to local business leaders in an effort to discuss corporate activism at a time of social unrest.


At a time when many downtown Raleigh businesses have suffered immensely from the violence emanating from the Black Lives Matter movement, the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce promotes it.