Saturday, October 26, 2019


Newly-elected younger and queerer Saige Martiz (or however he identifies himself this week) has made his sexual identity a hallmark of who he is. The question remains as to how he will push LGBTQ issues from his seat on the Raleigh City Council. If today's activities are any indication, Raleigh will undoubtedly see an aggressive nature to force this lifestyle upon its citizens. 

Saige Martiz will join drag queen Emory Starr as they mock Vice President Mike Pence while reading "A Day in the Life of Marlin Bundo." As the Washington Post describes:

"Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Presents A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo” is a takeoff of the book that Pence’s wife, Karen, and daughter Charlotte wrote about the family’s pet. But in the parody book, Marlon Bundo is gay and (spoiler alert!) marries another boy bunny, a satirical nod to the vice president’s stance against same-sex marriage."