Sunday, October 20, 2019


It's encouraging to see that Mayor Baldwin will support costly Raleigh projects going to voters - unlike her predecessors Meeker and McFarlane. Though her quote below states a change of heart, it truly isn't. She simply frames it as the most cost effective vehicle. As she knows, general obligation bonds are the most cost-effective vehicle: 

"Council member Mary-Ann Baldwin, who once supported a voter referendum, said she had a change of heart.

"I've really struggled with this but when I look at $9 to $12 million in savings, that tells me that's what's best for the taxpayers," she said."

- WTVD, 5-19-15

Once the two sides settle on a price for the land, Raleigh voters should get the final say on a potential sale, said City Councilwoman Mary-Ann Baldwin, a park supporter.

The city must balance a host of projects, including a 911 center proposed as the first phase of a public safety facility.

"Because of the number of priorities we now have, going to the voters for approval would be the smartest way," Baldwin said. "It would be a true endorsement of this as a priority."

(emphasis added)

And most recently regarding Dix Park: 

"We would have to look at a bond."

"... by next year when we look at a bond."

(Starting at 18:00 minute mark)