Friday, December 30, 2016



If John Burns would just give up four presents he was going to give to his children, we could pay for education needs in Wake County. 

John Burns didn't say that of course. He spoke in terms of 4 pizzas to get teachers up to the national average - a plan that even the Wake County Board of Education has recently jettisoned. Giving up pizzas does not provoke the emotional charge that, say, taking away four Christmas gifts from a child does. 

At its foundation, it doesn't matter. You have taken that money from a family and that families desires to best utilize that money for their children and spouse. Call it what you want - four pairs of shoes, four pizzas, four Christmas presents, four movie tickets, a day at the beach, etc. Who's to say what John Burns political stunt will take away from Wake County families. 

In the spirit of the Christmas season, it's presents.