Last week's events harkened us back a few years - about nine years to be exact.
The local progressive community has been in an uproar over chants made at a Trump rally - "Send her back." They labeled it as racist, etc.
Fine, we'll take the bait.
News & Observer - October 9, 2010 - July 21, 2010
The comments were most notably directed at John Tedesco, but also directed to Ron Margiotta, Chris Malone, etc. The left wildly cheered these comments. The xenophobia was unbridled. Nobody complained.
And now this from Rev. William "John 2:16" Barber last week:
and this one from Jim Goodmon/WRAL:
They sure didn't have a problem with the chants about "love it or leave it" in 2010.
Hypocritical xenophobes.